
                                                                SOLEMN VOW

 " In our greatest moments of anger and desperation, dejection and Neglect
often cause us to make severe decisions: Initially satisfactory and innocuous
subsequently becomes the factors upon which our world are framed
infrequently acting as the light that paves through darkness for the ones we love but most frequently,
the very darkness that loses them in a maze............the utterances we solemnly declare".


Laura smiled satisfactorily as the chauffeur driven official car pulled over in front of the magnificent skyscraper bearing “Da Media’’. Starring at the skyscraper that bore her private office in the pent house, she was certain of this one thing ­– she had not labored in vain! Like the old saying, some were born with greatness; some achieved it……., Laura had achieved greatness against all odds. Women like Laura Mbah are rare, those that stuck out their guts, passion to achieve great success in a road laden with severe impediments especially in a patriarchal world.
Girls like Laura most times acquire a great deal of enemies in the male chauvinists but fortunately, Laura never cared about being liked all she cared about was winning and that she had done admirably well.
She reluctantly let her thoughts drift away from the victories of the last couple of years to her bitter childhood where she had watched her father destroy her mother to her teenage where she had sworn that no man will treat her same and finally to the tough independent woman she had become at twenty eight. Laura was content but of course not complacent with her life. The only thing that brought a stab of pain to her strong heart was remembering her mother’s untimely  death and how she wished desperately that her mother was here to see what little Laura had become.

               Learn all about Laura and her choices in my book " SOLEMN VOW" soon to be published

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