Sunday 26 August 2012


I remember growing up as the second child in a family of half a dozen children. My position afforded me the special opportunity to experience the birth of my last two siblings with some kind of a teenager’s maturity. I remember my mother and her midwife friend bringing them home from the hospital and people flooding in our house to express their happiness and share in the blessing of celebrating a new life but all of that did not interest me. Inquisitive as I had been and still am, I was mostly fascinated with scrutinizing the baby. I checked out the eyes, ear, nose, mouth, I guess I was looking to be sure that my latest sibling was whole and had some family semblance. I always wanted to be the first to declare whose eyes or ear or hair the new born had and was eager to receive the kudos for a right “diagnosis” but in the midst of all these, all these years I had pondered on why the babies hands were always coiled into a fist! I couldn’t unravel it then but maybe I have some illumination on the matter now. I will share that with you shortly.

I remember this particular incidence that was spun out of my curiosity, I burned to know why the baby always wrapped both hands into a fist and so I decided to do a little experiment of my own. That fateful day, I crept into the baby’s room when I was certain my mom wasn’t looking, I began to force the fists of a soundly sleeping baby open! I wanted to know what was in there and why the baby did not open her palms like I did. I did it surreptitiously alas; the baby’s cry brought everyone storming into the room. It was almost going to be doom’s day for me but thank God I found an advocate in a neighbor who read out my thoughts claiming to have experienced the same thing from her son who was about my age. She assured my mother that I was only looking to find whatever I had imagined was in the baby’s fists. Well, I did weep profusely though I wasn’t beaten and that was the last time I tried to force a baby’s fist open. The curiosity left me but the phantom of the question unanswered haunted me for a whole decade and a few years until last week.

Have you ever seen a newborn?
Your answer, of a surety is a resounding “yes”
How do they come?
Clad in Dolce and Gabana suits? Entirely made up with MK? Wearing Armani’s aqua di gio? Carrying an 18 inch Brazilian hair? Oh and of course holding onto a super smart phone?
Certainly not!They come naked. You came the same way, I did too! I didn’t come with a ball pen in my hands or a computer fastened around my waist.
We all entered this world naked but intriguingly loaded because in those tightly folded fistful little palms we bore all that we will ever need to succeed on planet earth. Yes, we came holding tight in our palms our destiny.

The creator of mankind knew from the start that we didn’t require raw gold, white diamonds, silver whatever precious stone you can imagine because encoded in the seemingly emptiness of a newborn’s palm is DESTINY- an active ingredient for success, that endows us with the ability to fulfill purpose and achieve greatness undeterred. A newborn realizes that and consequently holds on tight to destiny but sometimes as we age and are starred in the face by real, hard life we tend to forget how we came into this world and what we brought along with us.

We should never lose sight of the fact sometime in eternity; an assembly of immortals decided our entry into this world and the respective channels we were to come through. Subsequently, something of extreme value was placed in the hollow of our palms.
You being who you are and where you are today, your parents, siblings, friends, spouse, hometown, state, nationality, ethnicity, temperament and everything that constitutes you is not a scientific experiment that went bad or a game of cards. You are here to fulfill an eternal mandate and until you do, the greatness lying in your palms lies wasted.

Look inside of you because you came with a unique gift for your generation and posterity. Forget a father that neglects his responsibility, a friend that constantly lets you down, and a spouse that betrays you. Who says your success is a variable that is dependent on how anyone treats you? On the contrary, I am bold to sound it to you sans a tinge of doubt that their neglects and betrayals are a detour to rapidly push you to fulfillment if you get going! Intransigently resolve to surmount every impediment! Meticulously scrutinize your inside and you will find a prodigy!

Indeed you arrived NAKED BUT you certainly are NOT EMPTY!!!! You are loaded; find that invisibility that fills you up, it is all you require to make an indelible impression here on earth............................     


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